Adaptation Distillation: Each Tag Force games only selects relevant characters on the anime it's featured in.The Yu-Gi-Oh! Tag Force series provides an example of: Unlike the other games, it removed all dating sim aspects and focused mostly on dueling. Tag Force Special breaks the tradition by revisiting past worlds and combining every single extra deck mechanic from Fusion to Pendulums. The latest and seventh entry combines series from all five continuities of the first Yu-Gi-Oh!, GX, 5D's, ZEXAL, and Arc-V.
ZEXAL itself also has a Tag Force-like 3DS spin-off game under the name 'Clash! Duel Carnival!'. The first four games were based on the storyline of Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, while the following three after Tag Force 3 were based on Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's. Created as part of the popular Yu-Gi-Oh!' franchise by Konami, the Yu-Gi-Oh! Tag Force series consists of seven games made for the PlayStation Portable (with the exception of Evolution, which was made for the PlayStation 2 instead).